Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is Chun Siang birthday, so they organized a party for him and wanted to give him a surprize but it fail. Happy Birthday!!!!!
Well almost a week I didn't update my blog cause this is a busy week. Doing assignment, having test. bla bla bla. *skip away*. Today is a great day, cause today i went to new INTI College building and have a look since Shannon told me about the library is similar with MPH 1U, so Im not really believe it therefore i went up and really believe it. It totally different from the old library. I took some picture too .

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today I have a little of fun and a little sad . Morning having breakfast with Chee King, Wee Lim, Kok Ho, Fu Yi, Raymond and Yuag Onn. After breakfast went to Aeon watch movie so bought the movie ' Be Kind Rewind' cause Chee King said is a funny show. This movie, Chee King, Raymond and I just watch only 20-30 mins and ran off cause the movie is so boring. Three of us went to another cinema hall watch 'Water Horse'. Guess wat, 1 ticket can watch 2 movies.

Then meet Wan Juin, Chun Siang, E Jen, U Zhing and another guy i dono who is he (no 1 introduce to me so i dono his name hehe. Someone going to say something!!!). They plan to watch movie again so i follow them watch 'Baby Gone Baby'. This movie is so interesting, is about a missing girl. Once the movie start the girl missing and already missing for 3 days. I'm not really understand the movie so i don't wan said so much. So should be a little fun and a little emo or watever.......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mirror And Glass

What The Hell Is Going On!!!!! GOSHHHH!!!! Yesterday thing broke my car mirror and today I broke ppl glass. Yesterday thanks god no 1 injured and today god punished me because i broke ppl glass and got cut on my hand. Great Tat Great. I have no idea wat going on with me this days

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well no mood for today, can't smile for this few days cause today morning I went back to Sri Lethia collect my original SPM result then went back to college. Today class is so boring nth much to do. After class, first I saw Angeline, then went inside Taylor main campus just loitering around and walk out the college and saw Shannon waiting for her bus, not long saw Chung Kuan chat with him for awhile then meet Lauren. After tat I left alone, walk to AC sit down waiting for Wan Juin and U Zhing to end class. After their class end, I fetch them home while on the way home, I meet in an accident tat dono wat the hell fall on to my car and break the whole front mirror. Luckily no 1 is injured. So drive slowly back to Wan Juin house and I see how's my car. My number plate gone, mirror broke and scratches on the hood. Then faster fetch U Zhing home and go back to my house. Here some photo of my injured car....
Is not only tat part is the whole front mirror break

i have no idea why the back view mirror drop off also

BAJ 77 is Gone!!! my number plate Gone!!!!


Monday, March 17, 2008

I Don't Know

spinning out of control
my mind is always spinning
shimmers of pain and confusion
dominate my every thought
I can't handle it
it can devour me at an instant
when, where, why?
questions I ask everyday
limbo is my residence
madness is my destinationis this it?
this is all I'm supposed to be
where do I fit in?
or do I fit in?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

No Peace For Every Country

Yesterday is Malaysia Election 2008. After the election, I saw a lot bad news on the TV and heard a lot from my father, although is non of my business and actually i don't care so much about it. So I just watch the bad news from TV and on Terengganu state all the Malay are fighting with same races. I have no idea wat they fighting for but sure must have their own reason so don't care and I heard is the opposition wins alot on the westside. So today i read the newspaper , almost the whole newspaper is about election so boring. Just read the sports news.

No peace in our country anymore, once the election start Malaysia will start fighting and argue. Just like today I went to dinner with my parents. A old guy around 50s to 60s trying to reverse his car cause infront of him is a dead end . I don't know y the old guy reverse so fast and knock a car beside him and someone told me some of the Malaysian are very busy body once a bang sound , everyone like emergency evacuate ,rush out the restaurant look wat had happen. Actually both of the car is still ok just some scratch. Guess wat ,very bad lucky for the old guy cause the car owner is a gangster, so two of them like so big size bullying a small size old guy. Just a knock and scratches both of them like wan to fight with the old guy. The old guy just keep saying sorry to them but 1 thing is the old guy doesn't wan to pay, is his fault and he say he can't affort to pay them and the 1 of the gangster angry and shout at him said car being knock never mind the thing is money problem ... and another guy angry till use his leg and kick the old guy car. After that I have no idea how they settle everything cause I went home :) . Pitty the old guy. Now i know y everywhere is fighting, gangster everywhere, rob, rape, kidnap and etc. Is because the world is talking about money , no money no talk tat y Malaysia crime rate is increasing. I hope things will change better after the election.