Saturday, June 9, 2012

Busy Week

Another busy weeks. Everyday need to wake up early to go training in Sunway so tired. Besides, I need to bring "tourist" from US around Klang Valley, find them our local food....Bring them to KL Tower and Sekinchan, quite fun but is too tired as a driver :) but I enjoy!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Restart For Everything

Yes, been a long time. Been busy with many things. Things has changed since the first day of 2012... First, I left INTI College after 4 years??? Like finally I left the college but not graduated. Enter Sunway College Le Cordon Bleu, took up a pastry course and after one month of learning on baking, they send us to Sunway Resort & Spa as a trainees for a month. Honestly, I am still struggling making friends with my current classmates, real struggle. Luckily, working in Sunway Resort wasn't a bad idea from college, although is not included in our course. I'm happy to work there, every chef are so friendly and funny. Maybe I'm still a trainee or maybe we just a students of Le Cordon Bleu so they treat us well??? What else can I blog today? Today whole day staying at home, agitated mood is with me since morning. I also did some French Truffles. What else??? Maybe that all for today? I will try to update more often from now on. If I'm not then will see my blog after few months. Right what am I trying to say here???

Friday, December 16, 2011

Organic Food

After one year I'm back to blog again.

I have a questions for those people who loves to eat... What kind of food do you like? I know everyone love meat!!! But have you ever think about your health? I bet not many of you care about your health, as long as the food is delicious and who cares about HEALTH!!! (including me) I was invited to Diet & Nutrition Talk by Wong Yu Jin who are Official Nutritionist for Miss Malaysia Universe ( This talk was organized by Mirrors Magazine.

The main point here for me is about food testing!!! Yummy but guess what we had for the food testing? IS ORGANIC FOOD!!!! Ewwww. I bet everyone read the word "Organic Food" the face will go disgusted right??? When I first heard organic food I had that reaction and nothing interesting and I hate organic food.

BUT you never try you never know!!! THE FOOD IS GOOD!!! Can you believe it? Yes please believe it. The Restaurant called Organic Recipes, located at Casa Utama Damansara. Now let the slides show do the talking!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Money Never Sleep

A topic that makes me wanted to blog about it and shares it with everyone if you all able to read it since my blog are so dead, not many readers is coming in but still I wanted to share about this.
In this world, people stand on earth for many years but they are standing on 195 different countries. There are people from United State, Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, or Oceania. All people are humans, but there are millions, billions, and trillion or more who are different from each others in many ways.

In thousands years ago, human live with simple life, what they need is just shelter, food and drink. Another 100 years ago, human live in difficult life, they have WW1 and after 20 years is WW2. During war time, many people died, people run for their life and protect their family. Some people who are rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer. Money during that time has no value but is very important, poor people work so hard to support their family but, their salary only few cents per day still some live happily but rich people who are so rich will think money is enough to live forever.

After 20 century, lives getting better but never live in peaceful life. Never live in peaceful does not mean that there are more wars. Never live in peaceful life is because money getting more valuable and more important. People still work very hard and there are rich and poor. In this century, price of what human needs are more expensive than in the past, of course salary are more now, but people do not live peaceful. Why? Got money but still not happy?

Well in this world, people are getting smarter and smarter; life is getting more and more challenging. Parents always wanted their child to be a smart kid in kindergarten, bright student in school, top student in Uni, famous people in the world. That why children now have to attend many tuitions. To enter kindergarten, then to school and to Uni will take a child more than 20 years. In these 20 years children will spend more than maybe a millions for just educations included tuition for just a child. Once their children start working in business world parent like to show off that what their children worked as, how much they earned.
I don’t know I just realized that people have different ways of thinking and planning for future. What they want to be in the future. Western, Asian and Middle Eastern people are so much different from each others.

Today Shannon’s told me that 40 million is enough to support a family forever but there are still people who wanted more than 40 millions this is typical of Asian thinking and we actually argued about it, different people have different way of thinking, I understand some people wanted to earn more because they want to pass to the next generation? Some think that, no point saving the money because once they pass away, the money never follow you to heaven. Some think that, the money should donate to charity let the next generation work and earn their own money; this is maybe western thinking such as Warren Buffett.

Still different people have different way of spending the money, Asian is Asian, western is western no matter what, the important is being yourself. Why care people want to earn more or why care people who are stingy? They have their own reasons of using the money. This why Hollywood show a Wall Street movie called "Money Never Sleep"

I also realized that, if you met someone who always have different point of view from you, will always fall into an arguement. No matter how much you love him or her, agreed with him or her, there will be one thing that cause each other argue.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Collection 2

Continue the last post about Spain Jersey and my pins, here are the photos.
My second World Cup Pin from Bangkok
14th Anniversary HR in Bangkok
Thai boxing bear
My favorite and my second 2010 HR Pink Breast Cancer Awareness pin!!!

All the signature of Spain players!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi again, well seem like I going to start blogging again... although not often but I when wanted to blog, no computers around me, so forget it but today I'm sitting at Starbucks, wanted to do my assignment but can't really think what to continue my assignment, so since I'm still thinking, I just blog something short. This month I got something that I love to collect thank to U Zhing and Shannon's mother. U Zhing went Europe help me get a Spain Jersey and Shannon's mother bought me Bangkok Hard Rock Pins.

On the second thought, I will upload the photos later since the Starbucks connection is so slow can't even upload one photo.

Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Real

Why I love about iPhone plan? Because the plan are SO AFFORDABLE!!! Their plan is getting cheaper and cheaper, so more and more people getting iPhone!!!! We get free sms within friends and family. We get to surf net without worrying about the price of the bill!!! The bill will be SLASH